About Company

AlphaLife Sciences, a pioneer in the fusion of life sciences and AI computer science, is committed to building AuroraPrime, a globally leading AI-enabled integrated clinical research platform. Our flagship product, AuroraPrime, integrates Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) into a powerful AI-driven SaaS platform. We are proud partners with Microsoft's Pegasus Program, Google for Startups, and Johnson & Johnson Innovation JLABS, delivering cutting-edge solutions like Generative AI-Copiloted Medical Writing, Intelligent EDC and Data Management, and Agile Trial Management. Trusted by global top MNCs, our innovations accelerate drug development and market entry. We are committed to globalizing AuroraPrime, leveraging cutting edge AI technology, cloud computing, and big data to enhance clinical trials and real-world research. This enhances clinical operational efficiency, achieves process automation and intelligent decision-making, empowers the acceleration of pharmaceutical products to market, and establishes competitive barriers for enterprises.


For clinical research and post-market real-world research, AlphaLife Science Group focuses on building a SaaS platform serving life sciences and consumer health fields with the world's leading computer technology, and realizing process automation and intelligent decision-making driven by clinical research docs and data. 

Leadership Team

Sharon Chen


Former Director of Google Shanghai R&D Institute; Former General Manager of Verily China

Alice Hsu

SVP, Clinical Technology Services

Former Head of Project Management and Clinical Operation at WuXi Clinical; Former PD of Project Management at Covance (Fortrea)

Larry.A Veal

Head of Marketing and BD, North America and Europe

Formerly, SVP, Sales and Marketing at Frontage Laboratories; Global Head, Business Development, Commercialization and Outcomes at ICON Clinical

Pengcheng Xu

Chief Technology Officer

The first engineer at Google China; Former Architect at Verily China

Bogong Zhu

Chief Product Officer

Former Cloud AI Tech Lead at Google Shanghai; Former Clinical Software Tech Lead at Verily China

Gavin Zhang

Chief Business Officer, JAPAC

Former Head of Channel Sales Asia Pacific of Medidata; Former Key Account Solution Sales at Microsoft

Advisory Board

Ruyi He

Chief Medical Officer of RemeGen; FormerDeputy Director of FDA’s Division of Gastrointestinal and Coagulation Drug Products, Former MD Chief Scientist of CDE

Névine Zariffa

Board member of CDISC; Former SVP, Head of Biometrics & Information Sciences at AstraZeneca

Kun He

CEO and Chief Statistician of R&G; Former Associate Division Director of the Division of Biometrics V at CDER, FDA

Brand Story

In 2020, a group of senior technology and product experts from Google and Verily China decided to start a business and delve into the intelligent digitalization of life science clinical research. With the goal of building a SaaS platform for life science and consumer health fields through world-leading computer technology, AlphaLife Sciences was officially established in August 2020. With the vision of "Use technology to advance innovation in life science and consumer health. Faster, more accessible and evidence-based," the AlphaLife team quickly grew and attracted many technology talents from leading global IT companies and senior industry experts from the life sciences field. With the gradual launch of AlphaLife's innovative products, more and more leading life science innovation and development companies, as well as ecosystem partners, choose AlphaLife, collaborate in multiple ways, and jointly explore the future of intelligent digitalization in clinical research.

Our global network and support

With experienced staff and trusted partners worldwide, we provide comprehensive support to ensure you have the resources you need, wherever you are.

  • New Jersey
  • San Francisco
  • Singapore
  • Shanghai
  • Beijing
  • Taipei

Part of our investment partners

  • B Capital Group

  • Lightspeed China Partners

  • Hankang Capital